
Hush Little Baby (Alternate Lyrics)

Sep 09, 2015

My first child just turned one year old. I spent a lot of time putting her to sleep this past year, which meant lots of singing and rocking and bouncing around. Her musical tastes went through a few different phases (nothing calmed her down and put to sleep like the Ramones for a while). She also learned to love the classics like “Hush Little Baby”. But after singing it for the umpteenth time (in the dark, with the fan on, bouncing her in my arms), I got a little creative with the lyrics.

I’m writing these down mostly for own record, but I hope this will inspire somebody else to customize the song as well.

Hush little baby, don't say a word
Abbu's gonna buy you a mocking bird

If that mocking bird don't sing
Abbu's gonna buy you a diamond ring

If that diamond ring turns brass
Abbu's gonna buy you a looking glass

If that looking glass gets broke
Abbu's gonna buy you a billy goat

If that billy goat won't pull
Abbu's gonna buy you a cart and bull

If that cart and bull turn over
Abbu's gonna buy you a dog named rover

If that dog named rover won't bark
Abbu's gonna take you to the amusement park

If that park doesn't have funnel cake
Abbu'll take you home and we'll learn how to bake

If while we bake we set off the smoke alarm
Abbu's gonna take you to see a farm

If that farm has a really stinky sow
Abbu's gonna take you to see their cow

If that cow just won't go moo
Abbu's gonna take you to the Lincoln Park Zoo

If that zoo doesn't have a lion
Abbu's gonna take you camping in Zion

If in Zion there is a flash flood
Abbu's gonna let you stomp in the mud

If stomping in the mud isnt' fun
Abbu's gonna take you out to play in the sun

If that sun's covered up by cloud
Its OK if you scream out loud

If you scream in a museum of art,
Abbu's gonna buy you a horse and cart

If that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the cutest little baby in town

I’m sure its obvious which verses are the original and which ones I’ve added in :). I’d love to hear your own variations in the comments below!

