
Spark Accumulators, What Are They Good For?

Aug 25, 2015

Spark Accumulators: What are they good for? Absolutely Nothing.

I don’t make that statement lightly. Accumulators were one of the reasons I was initially attracted to Apache Spark – they appear to be a fantastic generalization of counters in MapReduce. Indeed, I’ve made a number of contributions to Spark, but accumulators are probably the only place I’ve strongly influenced the public API. But I’m not proud of that, it’s really a source of embarrassment. I made those suggestions before I properly understood how accumulators fit into Spark’s computational model. Now I see they don’t even work well as a replacement for MapReduce counters.

Potential Uses For Accumulators

Let’s start by looking at the problems you might think that accumulators will solve.

  1. Accurately measure a property of the data for debugging. For example, find out how many records had a valid user ID, or how many purchases occurred within some time window. This is a classic use of counters in MapReduce. The properties that are checked might be ad-hoc during data exploration, or they could be fixed checks in a regularly run ETL pipeline.

  2. A light-weight debugging tool, to give interactive per-task information. For example, we might be interested in how many records we have per-task. We may be interested in metrics that aren’t available to the framework – perhaps we know that in our application, records that match some special filter X are far more expensive to process. Thus the user might want to add a special counter to track these records per-task.

  3. Accurately measure resource usage and profile a spark application, from the perspective of cluster utilization. For example, we might want to know how much data is read from HDFS, how many bytes are shuffled, how much time is spent in user code vs. in spark internals, count how many times an RDD is recomputed, etc.

  4. Compute any arbitrary property of the data that is commutative and associative. Effectively this would be adding a reduce operation that could be computed as a side-effect of other processing. For example, while parsing your input data, you might want to also count the total number of records, track a small sample of records with parsing errors for debugging later on, label records into one of 100K buckets and track the total count per bucket, and produce a bloom filter of user IDs that match some special criteria. And we can do it all in one pass over the data. Obviously, this is completely impossible with counters.

At first blush, it might seem like Spark’s Accumulators are perfect for all these situations. The first three uses might seem nearly identical, especially when you come from MapReduce, and fairly straightforward translations from counters. And #4 makes it seems like Spark greatly builds on the computational model of MapReduce. But we’ll see accumulators fail on all counts. The problem is that each of these uses actually has some fundamental differences, and by attempting to roll them all into one, Spark is stuck solving them all poorly. Let’s start by looking at #4, and work backwards from there.

Failure As Generalized Reduce

Unlike counters in MapReduce, Spark’s accumulators generalize in two major ways:

  1. The type of data is not limited to a Long
  2. The user can define an arbitrary commutative and associative operation to merge values (instead of being limited to + on natural numbers).

This opens the door to a lot of cool possibilities. You can consider many more types that define their own version of +. For example, + on two vectors might naturally be defined as element-wise addition. For example, say you categorize users based on demographics, spending behavior, activity profile, etc. – you could easily end up with 10K different buckets. Rather than having to come up with 10K counters, you could create one accumulator:

We extend this to many more types that define a + – for example, see all the possibilities from Twitter’s Algebird Library. You could use an accumulator to track a set of interesting users, or even a BloomFilter for (approximately) storing a really large set of users, or using HyperLogLog to (approximately) count distinct users. What is really unique about the possibility of using accumulators is that you can compute multiple types of aggregations in one pass. This may seem irrelevant if you are processing 50 GB on a large cluster, and you’ve got it all cached in memory – but it makes a big difference if you need to scan 100 TB on disk.

Unfortunately, using Spark’s accumulators this way is a bad idea, because they are extremely inefficient. To be fair, this model of computation has some very real limitations; fundamentally, if you have N cores on each executor, you’ll need N in-memory copies of the accumulators. So if you have 16 cores, and you create 1 GB of accumulators, you’ll need 16 GB of memory. But even restricting ourselves to “modestly” sized accumulators, say in the 10s of MB, would still open the doors to much more than what is possible with MapReduce counters.

However, Spark won’t handle modestly sized accumulators. The problem is that each task sends it’s accumulators directly to the driver. This means that even if the accumulators are only 1 MB, if you have 10K tasks, you will send 10 GB of data back to a single node. Tuning the number of partitions with Spark is notoriously hard, and in general your best bet is to err on the side of using too many partitions. 10K is a reasonable number for even 1 TB of data.

This is just an implementation detail, right? Spark should be able to change the internals to avoid sending all results back to the driver (and perhaps a host of other optimizations as well, e.g. avoiding serialization & deserialization between tasks on the same executor). Indeed, some of these optimizations are already planned for treeAggregate.

Unfortunately, now we find that our hands are tied by the other uses of accumulators. In particular, we show the value of each accumulator per task, as a debugging tool (our original use case #2). So we can’t merge the values together, since we must keep distinct values per-task.

OK fine, so we don’t get some grand generalization over MapReduce counters. All we really want is counters anyway, and we’ve still got that, right?

Strange API

Using accumulators as counters is very unsatisfactory, because of a clunky API and useless behavior around fault-tolerance. We’ll start by considering the API, the simpler of the two. Consider the most basic use case for counters, counting parse errors in our input data:

API design is very subjective, but several aspects of this seems pointlessly complicated to me.

  1. Since we can really only use counters anyway, why bother with the complications introduced by accumulators? There shouldn’t be any need to create the accumulator value up front.
  2. Though it’s perfectly legal to create an accumulator without a name, e.g. sc.accumulator(0L), it won’t show up in the UI unless you give it a name. This is a constant source of confusion for end users, who don’t know to pass in a name and think that the accumulators aren’t working.
  3. In addition, just adding a name to your accumulator also has the side-effect that the UI will call .toString on the accumulator update from each task. So if you did use an accumulator on a more complex type with an expensive .toString, just giving the accumulator a name could destroy performance. We’re left with the strange advice to users: if you are just using a counter, make sure you do add a name to your counter; but if it’s something more complicated than a counter, be sure you do not add a name.
  4. Though we’re storing the value of the accumulator per-partition for the UI, we don’t have programmatic access to the per-partition values; we can only (easily) access the fully merged value.
  5. How do we know when our counter is “ready”? Suppose we want to always log the value of the counter, and fail our job if there are more than 50 parse errors. Where would we put that logic? Because RDD transformations are lazy, the value is still 0 at the end of parsing transformation, regardless of how many errors there truly are. The user has to destroy the modularity of their program, by not looking at the value until after they execute some action. And it gets even worse if the RDD is reused – the behavior changes based on how many times it’s reused, whether it’s cached, whether it fits in the cache, and whether it stays in the cache. We could use a SparkListener for this, but that is very cumbersome for such a simple feature.

But you say I am a cry-baby for quibbling about such minor API issues. Modularity is for the weak; you always have global knowledge of your spark application, where every RDD is created, computed, cached, how much fits in memory, and you love updating your custom SparkListener every time you add another counter. Nonetheless, you still can’t rely on accumulators to do anything useful for you, because of how strangely they interact w/ Spark’s failure handling.

Interlude on Fault-Tolerance & Stage Retries

Before we get into what accumulators do when there are failures, we need to spend a moment to discuss Spark’s failure handling. Let me warn you – this section is complicated with lots of details of Spark internals, but it’s not possible to explain the way accumulators work without touching on this. There are really two very different kinds of failure handling. First, a task can fail due to some exception in user code. For example, let’s say that you forget to put in any kind of error handling around your parsing code. As soon as you hit one unexpected record, the task will throw an exception and fail. Spark will then retry the task (up to 4 times by default). If the task fails everytime, Spark gives up and fails your job, showing you the exception. If by some stroke of luck, the task succeeds on the retries, then Spark happily continues. It will only update the accumulator from the successful task, and the failed tasks are completely ignored. All is well.

Things get a lot more interesting when we talk about stage failure. This is how Spark handles a node going down in a cluster – that is, the error isn’t from any fault of the user, but it’s from hardware failure. Specifically, there is special handling when Spark notices a node go down during a shuffle, while it’s reading shuffle output. Because shuffle output is stored locally, if a node goes down, that shuffle output is gone. There is no sense in just retrying the task that reads the shuffle output, since it’s doomed to fail. Instead, spark goes back to the stage that generated the shuffle output, looks at which tasks need to be rerun, and executes them on one of the nodes that is still alive.

Here is where things start (ha!) to get tricky. After we regenerate the missing shuffle output, the stage which generated the map output has executed some of it’s tasks multiple times, even if the individual tasks were always successful. Spark counts accumulator updates from all of them. If multiple nodes go down, Spark may realize this immediately, or it may take multiple rounds of stage retries to detect it. In addition, if there is a long lineage of stages, from one shuffle stage to another shuffle stage, Spark may need to recompute some tasks from all of those stages. Furthermore, when Spark retries the stage, it still leaves some tasks running in a “zombie” state. Completed “zombie” tasks also count their accumulator updates. This means the total amount of “over-counting” can greatly exceed the percentage of nodes which fail.

Confused? Don’t worry, that puts you in good company. Most Spark committers don’t fully understand all the ins and outs of this behavior (myself included). There is general agreement that the scheduler code is extremely complicated and hard to understand. And there is a major shortage of tests, so it’s hard to even find a good set of examples. 1

Failure As Counters

In theory, you shouldn’t need to understand any of these details about failure handling and task recomputation as a user of Spark. These are just internal details – you code to Spark’s API; if there are failures, spark will handle it; and it all just works. But the semantics of accumulators make them effectively useless because of these details. Even worse, they can easily appear to do the right thing, especially when you try a small example. But if you try to rely on them, they might be incorrect in unexpected ways.

Say you deploy a Spark app for a regular batch ETL pipeline, that runs a few times a day as you ingest data. Maybe you process logs from customer purchases, and you track total spend with a counter. You may even have some alerting if spend levels are too high or too low. You’ve unit-tested this logic, and even come to rely on it for escalations. But if one node in your cluster happens to go down, Spark may happily report the job completes successfully, though your counter could be off an arbitrary amount.2 So you get an alert at 2 AM that spend was too high, when it was really just fine. Or even worse, you fail to get an alert when spend is too low, and don’t notice for far too long. By the time you figure this out, you are already in hot water.

Or maybe you are just doing ad-hoc data exploration, and throw in a counter for some basic data validation. Initially the check works just fine, correctly reporting errors as you try it out on a handful of different data sets. In fact, it even helps you discover that one of your datasets has a far higher percentage of errors than any other. So you decide to spend some time investigating why this dataset is different. Oh, wait … it’s simply that this particular dataset was bigger, so it didn’t fit in the cache. Your code made multiple passes over the parsed data (which you expected to be cached in memory), so your counters have over-counted. No big deal, you just lost one week of your life chasing phantoms. 3

To be fair, this is all explained in Spark’s Programming Guide. However, it can easily seem like these limitations are just for a small corner case, when in fact, they make accumulators a totally incomplete replacement for MapReduce counters4. If you do try to use accumulators outside of RDD actions, they are worse than useless – they are actively misleading. 5

What Should Spark Have?

We’re unable to fix these problems with accumulators directly due to backwards compatibility (at least in Spark 1.x). As strange (and useless) as these semantics are for accumulators, that behavior can’t be changed. For example, if you are using accumulators to profile your code by tracking time spent in various parts of your code (our original use case #3), then it may be useful to count the time spent when recomputing an RDD that isn’t cached. This is fundamentally at odds with a metric that only depends on the input data, for use cases #1 and #4. Furthermore, solving some of these problems require changes to the API that just aren’t compatible. For example, the current muddling together of simple counters with a more complex system for arbitrary computation on the data is one source of the problem.

I believe the first step is to provide a new API which aims to just provide good counters, and nothing more. Here’s an example of what it might look like:

There are some other ideas on SPARK-603 as well. The key points are that the API should be very simple, and the semantics around RDD recomputation & stage failure should be very clearly defined.

That would also allow us to create a new API just for efficient reduce-style operations as a side-effects over the data. This would not need to report any results per-task, so the implementation would have much more flexibility to do something efficient. This would also need to clearly define the semantics around RDD recomputation and stage failure, perhaps with an even more limited set of guarantees. Maybe Spark doesn’t need this now (and maybe it never will). But in the meantime, accumulators should stop masquerading as this. Whatever we do, it’s clear we should start by figuring out what semantics we want through all the different use cases and failure scenarios, and then figure out what is feasible to implement (rather than just piling on series of convenient and incomprehensible hacks).


I know I’ve been a little over-the-top in my attacks on accumulators, but I want to make it painfully clear just how confusing things get when you rely on accumulators. The truth is, I still use them, but only because they are all I’ve got. I’ve even written up some examples of uses of accumulators beyond simple counters. But I always get a queasy feeling in my stomach everytime I recommend them, since I’m certain users don’t understand the minefield they are walking into.

Spark can do better.

  1. I strongly suspect that the number of people that understand all the intricacies of stage retries is exactly 0.

  2. Though you’d be ill-advised to rely on Spark for fault-tolerance in any case, given SPARK-5259, SPARK-5945, SPARK-8029, and SPARK-8103.

  3. This is the worst-possible behavior of a big-data system. Pretend that everything is simple and easy on small examples you can run locally; but when run on large data sets, produce garbage data for reasons you can’t possibly expect the average user to understand.

  4. If Spark really wanted to discourage improper use of accumulators, it could always throw an exception if they were used when caching an RDD or in a ShuffleMapStage, but that would make this limitation far too obvious.

  5. And I haven’t even mentioned anything about speculative execution yet. Honestly, I have no idea what the behavior currently is, but I don’t even want to bother trying. There are enough problems as it is that it doesn’t matter.

